For writers, it is important to set aside time to be creative every day. However, sometimes it can feel a little silly to set aside time to be creative when you are not feeling creative at all.

Use this list to engage your imagination and unlock the beautiful ideas that are hidden within your heart. Email us or comment to share more strategies that help you!


Remember to schedule a daily creativity appointment with yourself and complete
one or a combination of these activities.


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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Speaker, author, editor, and writing coach Rachel Renee Smith is committed to empowering people to obtain spiritual and emotional healing that frees them to enjoy their lives and have fruitful relationships. After years of assisting authors and mentoring students in their writing and editing process, she released her first book, a devotional entitled The Rain Won’t Hide These Tears, in May 2012. In line with her continued desire to assist aspiring authors, Rachel launched Rain Publishing in 2013 and also released her second devotional, While the Sun Still Shines. She is also the co-founder of the Women’s Life Support Group, based in Cary, North Carolina. Rachel has a son and is married to her best friend and partner in ministry, Jeffrey LaMont Smith, who is also a speaker and life skills educator.[/author_info] [/author]
[box] For more information about Rachel Renee Smith’s writing, speaking and coaching, email, or call (800) 937-8717. [/box]

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