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Candra Ward

Educator, Beauty Consultant, Speaker, Author, Hair Artist
Candra Ward, who is also known as “Cee” has broken all boundaries in the arena of life transformation. She is a sought after educator, consultant, speaker, author, and hair artist for a wide variety of audiences and clientele. Candra holds a cosmetology license in three states and an instructor’s license from Rizzieri Aveda Institute. Her extensive training and over two decades of experience in the beauty industry have earned Candra the wisdom and skill sets that make her the catalyst she is today. Her drive and dedication have been factors of her great success.
Candra is a Healthy Hair Genius which also includes natural hair, weaving, and cutting skills. Catering to the whole woman, she also promotes healthy self-image, self-esteem, life skills, and personal wellness whether she is working one-on-one with a client, writing a book, or speaking to large audiences. Candra has been a mentor to many, and loves to help teenagers and young adults reach their full potential by being an example of pursuing your passion. Her motto is “Always be prepared, so when an opportunity presents itself you will be ready!”
Originally from Philadelphia, Candra was the successful owner of Relax Your Mind Hair Studio for ten years and then moved to South Florida, excited to begin a new chapter and reinvent herself. Within two years of her move, she wrote and published two books: In My Mind, which is her life story, and Caught Up, a novel. She also became an instructor for Florida Career College and travels to speak and conduct workshops at colleges, high schools, women’s prisons, and other organizations. Her workshops are high impact, interactive, simplistic, transforming, engaging, and best of all, memorable. Her strong yet gentle demeanor commands attention and captivates a listening ear when she speaks.
After receiving many requests for workshops on hair and pursuing passion, Candra was inspired to start Hair Speaks Academy for hairstylists and cosmetology students to learn and refresh their skills so they can become lucrative, productive, and contribute to the industry and themselves. The academy also offers seminars and workshops for clients to learn about the effects of diet on the health of their hair, hair loss, product selection, what style is best for them, home maintenance techniques, and proper salon etiquette.
Candra has passion and enthusiasm for inspiring and transforming lives – that is what makes her stand out. She understands that building relationships and being transparent is what creates the framework for trust. Her most requested workshops are: “Prepared for Passion,” “Help! My Image is trapped!” Natural or Not?” “Chop, Chop, Chop!” “Ching, Ching!” “It’s Mine I Bought It”
21 Things Your Hairstylist Should Tell YouThe 90 Day Devotional for Hairstylists, and Take your Position! are Candra’s latest must-have titles. These books have supreme information, techniques, and knowledge. Also, her hair product line “Hair Speaks” will be available in the beginning of 2015.You can find all of Candra’s material and booking information on her websites: www.askcandra.com, www.candraward.com, www.hair-speaks.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and Amazon.com.
 “My hopes are to see everyone empowered to take control over their lives and share what they have with the next generation.” – Candra
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